today DyDy was very super duper upset
i really very jealous
really very heart pain....
when see all the pictures....
you all looks like a family.....i also hope i can in there...but why??why i cant???
i purposly bring camera to meet them..i thought i can take picture with them...but....
i know i should not expect so much...i really dint expect this times....when i reach shool i told myself i very happy because everyone are acc me...but all keep on changing place on that time i really scare they all will say : Let's us back home ba..thank god no...
seriously i really very jealous you all....
say good bye to my tooth..
good bye to my tooth..
i feel so sad ....i will miss my tooth....
i will miss my smile...
start from tomorrow i wont see my cutie tooth now...
i really will miss my tiger tooth....
now my feelings are so gan stress man...i don know whether i looking forward or...stressing here...
hey friends....i have been trying to cheer up now...
start from tomorrow i will become 绑牙妹!!!
i feel so sad ....i will miss my tooth....
i will miss my smile...
start from tomorrow i wont see my cutie tooth now...
i really will miss my tiger tooth....
now my feelings are so gan stress man...i don know whether i looking forward or...stressing here...
hey friends....i have been trying to cheer up now...
start from tomorrow i will become 绑牙妹!!!
i realize that i cant forget it
today feel little sad ...bout our majils graduasi...actually what im upset i also don know...but i just feel so rugi..i cant join them....i feels like everytime got any big date i also cant join.....after that they told me after school meet them than hang out to have our lunch at kepong...exactly i will think back that day.........i realize i cant forget it...maybe she are right..don expect too much....
end by here...
oh ya....
this coming friday my big day also....
braces ......
i become more ulgy now..although i knew i never pretty before....
sure i will more suffer than now...really suck of my life.....
end by here...
oh ya....
this coming friday my big day also....
braces ......
i become more ulgy now..although i knew i never pretty before....
sure i will more suffer than now...really suck of my life.....
happy day 27/10/2009
today DyDy was very happy...this is real..this is the 1st time that i went to playground and play till so happy ...babe ling you all are so naughty my knee are super duper pain...haha...i so happy today...because of i falled down from the slide...hahaha...
and Aka also so funny........hahaha...before we went to playground we had our lunch at happy city..while eating we waiting my hubby..haiz when my hubby reached..i feel so fish..because they all saw my BEAUTY pic...oh no...everyone knew my real face le..oh no..haha....but i happy too my hubby de phn have many my pic le..oh fish man..
over rall im happy today you all guys...
and my hubby...this is the 1st time that i went to palyground and play till so crazy and happy..really thank god suk ting dint record down..if not sure i will fish till no face le..hahha...
and also the 1st time i run and stop the bus..hahaha.....
today DYDY really very happy.....
but my knee so pain...hahhaha...and feel very tired when i climb back the slide...feel like im just finish born my baby..hahah...
and Aka also so funny........hahaha...before we went to playground we had our lunch at happy city..while eating we waiting my hubby..haiz when my hubby reached..i feel so fish..because they all saw my BEAUTY pic...oh no...everyone knew my real face le..oh no..haha....but i happy too my hubby de phn have many my pic le..oh fish man..
over rall im happy today you all guys...
and my hubby...this is the 1st time that i went to palyground and play till so crazy and happy..really thank god suk ting dint record down..if not sure i will fish till no face le..hahha...
and also the 1st time i run and stop the bus..hahaha.....
today DYDY really very happy.....
but my knee so pain...hahhaha...and feel very tired when i climb back the slide...feel like im just finish born my baby..hahah...
second class
today is my second class..the first lesson is akaun...i really don know what the BONG said what lo..and we really very the half way i hang out with selly..we went to 7-11 and i leave my hubby and my friend...haha..selly and i feel little hungry so we actually decide to eat maggie mee de..but...we all have to save decided to ate goreng mee hun...wah !!nice...nice till the chili stick on my teeth..walao pain lo...and i feel so trouble now..when i eat somethings..if somethings stick on my teeth i really feel so uncomfortable..than we go back tution centre..and we went to toilet..and the toilet are so clean..clean till i feel want vomit..after that we thinking is it wanna back class??but still have half and hour o...but after that also decided to back class room...haaha..we continue dreaming at class..
actually have many funny things wanna write friend she looks like fall in love a guy..haha..he so man de..haha really very funny....after class we all went to 7-11 again...haha..we saw him buy the same things to eat like funny la him..hhaha he had a name for said so much with him ...
after akaun is science ..wah..the teacher are so cold..cold than me de....haha....
aiyer..i always forget to take pic week please remind me to take camera go k???we take pic ...muackz..
dear ar...i love you so much o..hehe...
ya forget to say...
finish our class today..we went back by selly's boyfriend car..walao ei....
so scare la...when he driving....don know how to describe...
very terroristic....
actually have many funny things wanna write friend she looks like fall in love a guy..haha..he so man de..haha really very funny....after class we all went to 7-11 again...haha..we saw him buy the same things to eat like funny la him..hhaha he had a name for said so much with him ...
after akaun is science ..wah..the teacher are so cold..cold than me de....haha....
aiyer..i always forget to take pic week please remind me to take camera go k???we take pic ...muackz..
dear ar...i love you so much o..hehe...
ya forget to say...
finish our class today..we went back by selly's boyfriend car..walao ei....
so scare la...when he driving....don know how to describe...
very terroristic....
我该忘记你了, 只好把你当回忆
看见你与她的信息, 真的很让我心痛
我不想再看见你, 不想你再出现在我的生活里, 不想再听你所说的谎言!!!
昨晚, 我让自己狠狠地哭了一整个晚上
我不想再看见你, 不想你再出现在我的生活里, 不想再听你所说的谎言!!!
昨晚, 我让自己狠狠地哭了一整个晚上
love you so much...
today is my first day tution at kl kasturi..
early in the morning i had woke up to took a bath and prepared everythings..
oh no bad luck today..i was forget to brough my tution card ...untill we reached batu 5 station only remember i dint bring my tution card..oh no man...after that called my dad to bring it for me..
after that we had our breakfast at one of the restoran at batu 5...
after breakfast we went to take bus to go for tution..we reach there almost 9 something..our place so NICe...nice till i cant tahan....and our friends...she saw her mr.right at there too..haha..funny man..
after finish class we went to Mc donald again..i means the same Mc donald that we went many memories at there..haha...really happy at there..we talk much at there...but...just only i laugh..other just stare at me..haha..i also don know why everytimes when i said somethings joke or funny one will join me to laugh...haha...maybe really no point..haha...
ya...forget to tell everyone...
i have a new name..
they help me to create de..
SITI WANG.....what a
ya..i had decide somethings..
so far SITI WANG will not leave alvin now..
early in the morning i had woke up to took a bath and prepared everythings..
oh no bad luck today..i was forget to brough my tution card ...untill we reached batu 5 station only remember i dint bring my tution card..oh no man...after that called my dad to bring it for me..
after that we had our breakfast at one of the restoran at batu 5...
after breakfast we went to take bus to go for tution..we reach there almost 9 something..our place so NICe...nice till i cant tahan....and our friends...she saw her mr.right at there too..haha..funny man..
after finish class we went to Mc donald again..i means the same Mc donald that we went many memories at there..haha...really happy at there..we talk much at there...but...just only i laugh..other just stare at me..haha..i also don know why everytimes when i said somethings joke or funny one will join me to laugh...haha...maybe really no point..haha...
ya...forget to tell everyone...
i have a new name..
they help me to create de..
SITI WANG.....what a
ya..i had decide somethings..
so far SITI WANG will not leave alvin now..
i feel scare..i feel don wan become her second generation..i don want you all treat me like we all treat her that way...i just feel hurt this few days because you all are treat me with the different way..maybe i think too much~or maybe not..when i on the way back from school that time my brain are keep slide*ing some things..that make me feel that im so useless...for my everythings my relationship with you ...i know this few days i keep on very pek jek..but i also don know why i will like this...maybe sometimes you are playing with me but i think too much to that way..everythings is my problems..actually is feeling wanna cry soon..even in the car that time also feel that too..
i know maybe somethings i did somethings wrong..i apologize to everyone....
is it when the person that no mood that time while he/she listening any songs also feel upset and feel wanna fall of tears?when i try to look up to the sky that time i saw is raining..i feel that the rain are red..because my heart are bleeding..
i know maybe somethings i did somethings wrong..i apologize to everyone....
is it when the person that no mood that time while he/she listening any songs also feel upset and feel wanna fall of tears?when i try to look up to the sky that time i saw is raining..i feel that the rain are red..because my heart are bleeding..
today is my dear siang yee birthday~as usual lo..we went to school...and wish her lo..wakaka..
just now assembly that time...all the teacher talks bout our pengetua...turn out to be is our pengetua will move to other school we temporary have no pengetua at school..we so happy..but suddenly si tengku said..all the rules will as pity lo..
for our form 5 still ok la..because still got one more months we already leave this school..but for our junior..haha...
hey guys..i really gave her my tooth for birthday present le..haha..
i thought she will angry or throw it far far away..
but she dint..oh my god..unbelieveable...she accept it....
after that i keep ask her to give me back my tooth..but she said..already gave people's things don think will get back..oh my god..she serious this time..oh no man..
than after that...she gave me back 3 she wanna keep 1...
oh no..haha..but ok least my baby are back my side..and i really hope she will appreciate my teeth..don make it like hantu than ok de la...haha....don get lost ya...haha..
the most funny things is my security polly...she time who brithday asked me to pull out my teeth again for their birthday present..walao ei...if like this than i really will become bo gei cute la you ...haha..
after school...
me, babe ling, selly, and lai kuan..
we four went to mutiara to have our lunch..
actually i thought they have celebrate with siang yee de..but she already date with abu than ok la..we celebrate next time la..we also understand your situasion de..haha..
i really become crazy le days i don know what happen to me...especially when i talk that time..oh no...just now i saw a wrote 开开心心but i see from the mirror..i saw 心心开开 than i very naturaly to say out..after that everyone are looking at me..and asking me what is that..than i asked them to see usual..they all just stare at me only...but finally also got laugh la..haha...
aiyo..biasa la..everytime i said somethings funny things or joke..
no one will give my any response de...ahhahaha..just looking at me and ask me..FINISH ??
my hubby,
2 more patient ya...we will meet soon..
sabar..not SABAH !!!
love you dear..
miss you dear..
just now assembly that time...all the teacher talks bout our pengetua...turn out to be is our pengetua will move to other school we temporary have no pengetua at school..we so happy..but suddenly si tengku said..all the rules will as pity lo..
for our form 5 still ok la..because still got one more months we already leave this school..but for our junior..haha...
hey guys..i really gave her my tooth for birthday present le..haha..
i thought she will angry or throw it far far away..
but she dint..oh my god..unbelieveable...she accept it....
after that i keep ask her to give me back my tooth..but she said..already gave people's things don think will get back..oh my god..she serious this time..oh no man..
than after that...she gave me back 3 she wanna keep 1...
oh no..haha..but ok least my baby are back my side..and i really hope she will appreciate my teeth..don make it like hantu than ok de la...haha....don get lost ya...haha..
the most funny things is my security polly...she time who brithday asked me to pull out my teeth again for their birthday present..walao ei...if like this than i really will become bo gei cute la you ...haha..
after school...
me, babe ling, selly, and lai kuan..
we four went to mutiara to have our lunch..
actually i thought they have celebrate with siang yee de..but she already date with abu than ok la..we celebrate next time la..we also understand your situasion de..haha..
i really become crazy le days i don know what happen to me...especially when i talk that time..oh no...just now i saw a wrote 开开心心but i see from the mirror..i saw 心心开开 than i very naturaly to say out..after that everyone are looking at me..and asking me what is that..than i asked them to see usual..they all just stare at me only...but finally also got laugh la..haha...
aiyo..biasa la..everytime i said somethings funny things or joke..
no one will give my any response de...ahhahaha..just looking at me and ask me..FINISH ??
my hubby,
2 more patient ya...we will meet soon..
sabar..not SABAH !!!
love you dear..
miss you dear..
girls don drive youself at night...
scary man...
just now after tution i walk back home that time..i saw my friend he friend's car i name it as Red and kena langgar de car i name it as Blue friend are trying to reverse than don know how suddenly i heard a sound..bomp....oh my so loudly...than we all turn back head to see what is the matter..after that..oh my friend he so unresponsible...the Blue car keep hon him..he also dint choi ...he just lap you than go ..what is the fuck....really very angry de thought you are malay den so big de la???the girl keep hon you also don know how to do ar??bully girl ar???fucker la you...too bad la you....drop my spec with you already...damn you la....
if the Blue car de driver is guys...sure you will die...on the spot...
next time girls don drive yourself at night..because you all will rugi...
just now after tution i walk back home that time..i saw my friend he friend's car i name it as Red and kena langgar de car i name it as Blue friend are trying to reverse than don know how suddenly i heard a sound..bomp....oh my so loudly...than we all turn back head to see what is the matter..after that..oh my friend he so unresponsible...the Blue car keep hon him..he also dint choi ...he just lap you than go ..what is the fuck....really very angry de thought you are malay den so big de la???the girl keep hon you also don know how to do ar??bully girl ar???fucker la you...too bad la you....drop my spec with you already...damn you la....
if the Blue car de driver is guys...sure you will die...on the spot...
next time girls don drive yourself at night..because you all will rugi...
arh im very fan ar...i really don know want how ar...
why so ngam de???
30th of october....i don know i should how now..
i already had appointment since early....thats is braces ..
than my school also have a majils graduasi on that day...
oh ya????where i should go??
school there i already paid..Rm 30
and hospital there i paying Rm 700....
which one more important???school there more important right??because take sijil le???arh....very trouble now....
i think tomorrow is the last holiday for my school how was you all holiday???happy??
for not so happy at house...because i really become SPIDER WOMAN..
and mom always bring me go out to meet her friends....always meet the aunty uncle...oh my god..
is super duper boring...really speechless...they all always say the same things only..
her dance friends lagi teruk..i though they will high class abit la..because they learn dance what...but oh my god...if you all saw it you all will very gek...all lagi sam pat than us...and i remember mom always said...girls don simply let guys touch or don simply touch a guys...
oh no...they all like tak pernah nampak guys...shit..
sorry for writting somethings bad things bout my mom..because i really beh tahan all this 8 aunty 8 uncle....really "throw face " with you all
hey hey..all my babies..
how you all???
wednesday will many story to hear and say right???
haha..looking forward that day ...haha.. you all my babies..
lastly ,
of cause cant talks bout my hubby things la..
erm..actually nothing want to say le..haha..
because now my hubby are group study*ing
of cause i love my dear la...
end my story.
why so ngam de???
30th of october....i don know i should how now..
i already had appointment since early....thats is braces ..
than my school also have a majils graduasi on that day...
oh ya????where i should go??
school there i already paid..Rm 30
and hospital there i paying Rm 700....
which one more important???school there more important right??because take sijil le???arh....very trouble now....
i think tomorrow is the last holiday for my school how was you all holiday???happy??
for not so happy at house...because i really become SPIDER WOMAN..
and mom always bring me go out to meet her friends....always meet the aunty uncle...oh my god..
is super duper boring...really speechless...they all always say the same things only..
her dance friends lagi teruk..i though they will high class abit la..because they learn dance what...but oh my god...if you all saw it you all will very gek...all lagi sam pat than us...and i remember mom always said...girls don simply let guys touch or don simply touch a guys...
oh no...they all like tak pernah nampak guys...shit..
sorry for writting somethings bad things bout my mom..because i really beh tahan all this 8 aunty 8 uncle....really "throw face " with you all
hey hey..all my babies..
how you all???
wednesday will many story to hear and say right???
haha..looking forward that day ...haha.. you all my babies..
lastly ,
of cause cant talks bout my hubby things la..
erm..actually nothing want to say le..haha..
because now my hubby are group study*ing
of cause i love my dear la...
end my story.
on the way changing myself...
hey guys...
i destroyed my promised!!!
yesterday i really feel very tired is super duper tired !!
yesterday morning went out to meet ling selly n alvin...
after that we went to vanitha house...
walao ei..
her mother really very cute...
and her brother don choi me...don give me kiss to...
and i feel her brother have potential to be A character..
yaya..forget to say...
before we went to vanitha house we went to mamak store to have out breakfast...
i order a maggie goreng...
i cant eat also..just telan only...
others let alvin help me finish it..wakaka..
thx o hubby !! muackz..
after that we came out from vanitha house we went to mutiara
we went there for sing k !!
walao ei..
this is the second time i go sing k... seriously la..
have some memories..but....haha..nothing la..
haha...i just know i really very siao at there....
after turn my yam gor...
祝我生日快乐sang by 温岚
hoh !!!
my tears really cant tahan anymore..
same like the 1st time i went to sing k !!!
fall down my tears...
biasa saja la....
really think back many things....although everythings are over are pass...but the feelings still in my heart..i cant forget the feelings....
so many hurt things happen on me in this year...
and i have say out here...
LIM CHIN CHUN !!! thanks for the memories that you gave me !! i will remember...and i also have to thanks you because you really let me grow up become more mature become more know how to think...
and i also have to thanks all my babies..
you all beside me when i feel lonely and sad ...
really thanks you all..
without you all..i cant grow up too...
im very happy to heard siang yee said i've change alot
for me is a good things..
because i change to more strong more mature ....the most important things is more POSSITIVE..hahha....
am i right friend????
really love you all are my babies...
now your turn..
mohammad alvin yap chun ho...
of coz i wont forget you la...hahah...if not later kena pukul from you..wakaka..
erm....i know my dear are very sek me..dear..really thanks you ....
erm....有些事不用说出来的, 我们心里明白就好!!
正所谓 :“心有灵犀, 一点通”
love you hubby...muackz..
i destroyed my promised!!!
yesterday i really feel very tired is super duper tired !!
yesterday morning went out to meet ling selly n alvin...
after that we went to vanitha house...
walao ei..
her mother really very cute...
and her brother don choi me...don give me kiss to...
and i feel her brother have potential to be A character..
yaya..forget to say...
before we went to vanitha house we went to mamak store to have out breakfast...
i order a maggie goreng...
i cant eat also..just telan only...
others let alvin help me finish it..wakaka..
thx o hubby !! muackz..
after that we came out from vanitha house we went to mutiara
we went there for sing k !!
walao ei..
this is the second time i go sing k... seriously la..
have some memories..but....haha..nothing la..
haha...i just know i really very siao at there....
after turn my yam gor...
祝我生日快乐sang by 温岚
hoh !!!
my tears really cant tahan anymore..
same like the 1st time i went to sing k !!!
fall down my tears...
biasa saja la....
really think back many things....although everythings are over are pass...but the feelings still in my heart..i cant forget the feelings....
so many hurt things happen on me in this year...
and i have say out here...
LIM CHIN CHUN !!! thanks for the memories that you gave me !! i will remember...and i also have to thanks you because you really let me grow up become more mature become more know how to think...
and i also have to thanks all my babies..
you all beside me when i feel lonely and sad ...
really thanks you all..
without you all..i cant grow up too...
im very happy to heard siang yee said i've change alot
for me is a good things..
because i change to more strong more mature ....the most important things is more POSSITIVE..hahha....
am i right friend????
really love you all are my babies...
now your turn..
mohammad alvin yap chun ho...
of coz i wont forget you la...hahah...if not later kena pukul from you..wakaka..
erm....i know my dear are very sek me..dear..really thanks you ....
erm....有些事不用说出来的, 我们心里明白就好!!
正所谓 :“心有灵犀, 一点通”
love you hubby...muackz..
talk to myself
Arh...still very pain tooth..
today is the second day le..
i really feel so pain...i cant sleep well yesterday whole night..
i feel wanna use toothpick to make the rubber come out..
i feel wanna throw it...
is really very pain..
and i cant eat anythings also..
just eat porridge whole day..
yam gong !!!
is really super duper pain lo..
arh..i really very be patient jor de lo..
if not ....
i already take out all the rubber le lo...
really fuck it !!!
do you all guys know??
how the pain??
the pain make me easy to get angry..
i really very pain now...
i don wan braces le..
don wan le..
i have no choice man..
already pull out tooth le..
some more is 4 tooth..some more is cant tumbuh balik jor de..
how come can say don wan braces now..
is too late le..
here i have to tell myself somethings :
MELODY..just accept it ba...
dont dream more le...
now you just sabar ...and sabar...
after this you will become more pretty le....
today is the second day le..
i really feel so pain...i cant sleep well yesterday whole night..
i feel wanna use toothpick to make the rubber come out..
i feel wanna throw it...
is really very pain..
and i cant eat anythings also..
just eat porridge whole day..
yam gong !!!
is really super duper pain lo..
arh..i really very be patient jor de lo..
if not ....
i already take out all the rubber le lo...
really fuck it !!!
do you all guys know??
how the pain??
the pain make me easy to get angry..
i really very pain now...
i don wan braces le..
don wan le..
i have no choice man..
already pull out tooth le..
some more is 4 tooth..some more is cant tumbuh balik jor de..
how come can say don wan braces now..
is too late le..
here i have to tell myself somethings :
MELODY..just accept it ba...
dont dream more le...
now you just sabar ...and sabar...
after this you will become more pretty le....
my tooths
what is the fucking!!!still bleeding
damn 7 pain tooth...
totatly i had cabut 4 man..
everyone say F say S !!!
now have many blue colour de rubber in my tooth...
damn 7 pain tooth...
totatly i had cabut 4 man..
everyone say F say S !!!
now have many blue colour de rubber in my tooth...
each teeth got 2 rubber so total i got 8 rubber in between my tooth..
arh..super duper pain..
today DyDy was very strong !!
DyDy no cry when kena inject that time..
but~just fall tears nia...hahha....
sorry really very de pain..really cant tahan the fucking pain...
after kena inject she put the blue colour de rubber in my tooth...
walao ei...
feel likes someone are raping a virgin girl...
as i promised everyone i will upload pic..
so just be patient man..
today DyDy was very strong !!
DyDy no cry when kena inject that time..
but~just fall tears nia...hahha....
sorry really very de pain..really cant tahan the fucking pain...
after kena inject she put the blue colour de rubber in my tooth...
walao ei...
feel likes someone are raping a virgin girl...
as i promised everyone i will upload pic..
so just be patient man..
feel tired in everythings....
suddenly really feel moodles...
make me think back many things...i know i should not to think all that...but i cant control myself...
sorry dear...
hurt you again...
i cant do it...
once i think back all the sadness things i will think more others things......
im still thinking
am i suitable to have a relationship ???
am i suitable with you??
suddenly i feel wanna give up everythings...
i really feel very tired le...
make me think back many things...i know i should not to think all that...but i cant control myself...
sorry dear...
hurt you again...
i cant do it...
once i think back all the sadness things i will think more others things......
im still thinking
am i suitable to have a relationship ???
am i suitable with you??
suddenly i feel wanna give up everythings...
i really feel very tired le...
hey yo...
tomorow want become bo gei again...yer....stupid fucking la...sure everyone will laugh me again de..
i sure that tomorrow i will cry again...
i really scare for injection..really very de pain...
hehe..tomorrow you all can see my 4 tooth..wakaka....
i will upload pic de..don worry guys..and i will bring to school let you all buat kajian...wakakka..
i feel little stress...
spm are coming soon..oh my god...
is near le..i start stress le..stress not because scare will exam..
stress is because i not yet get ready to face this exam....
people now very hardworking to study..
but i not yet.....
sorry la..i know like that is no good...
little kids...please don learn this not good !!!
thats why my tittle will wrote
hahaha..sure will let you all kick me..
because i also feel very de LAME !!!
but just accept it ba..this is me..
guys love you all o...
tomorow want become bo gei again...yer....stupid fucking la...sure everyone will laugh me again de..
i sure that tomorrow i will cry again...
i really scare for injection..really very de pain...
hehe..tomorrow you all can see my 4 tooth..wakaka....
i will upload pic de..don worry guys..and i will bring to school let you all buat kajian...wakakka..
i feel little stress...
spm are coming soon..oh my god...
is near le..i start stress le..stress not because scare will exam..
stress is because i not yet get ready to face this exam....
people now very hardworking to study..
but i not yet.....
sorry la..i know like that is no good...
little kids...please don learn this not good !!!
thats why my tittle will wrote
hahaha..sure will let you all kick me..
because i also feel very de LAME !!!
but just accept it ba..this is me..
guys love you all o...
countdown for cabut gigi
today no so much mood...
and my purse now are so empty le
so suffer ar..
i feel wanna give up everythings that i had now...
don know what happen to me again....
don know why i really moodless now...
BUT !!!
just for a while....i wont let myself moodless so long time...
don worry..
because i had promised my hubby...i wont suddenly like that anymore...
i will think somethings that you ask me to think..not to think the bad things anymore..
dear...i remember what you said to me..
and for babeling...
just accept it ba...take your time...give yourself sometimes to accept it...cheer up girl..
oh ya...
countdown ...
one more day i will go cabut my tooth again...
wakaka...totatly i had cabut 4...
oh my godness..
still the same...i will upload my pic ..
i will share with you all guys...
and my purse now are so empty le
so suffer ar..
i feel wanna give up everythings that i had now...
don know what happen to me again....
don know why i really moodless now...
BUT !!!
just for a while....i wont let myself moodless so long time...
don worry..
because i had promised my hubby...i wont suddenly like that anymore...
i will think somethings that you ask me to think..not to think the bad things anymore..
dear...i remember what you said to me..
and for babeling...
just accept it ba...take your time...give yourself sometimes to accept it...cheer up girl..
oh ya...
countdown ...
one more day i will go cabut my tooth again...
wakaka...totatly i had cabut 4...
oh my godness..
still the same...i will upload my pic ..
i will share with you all guys...
change myself
today i also still the same..also feel very upset....
today just three of us me la..ling la..n siang school..i means our gang la..
other members are lazy..
today we talk alot of things..we talk bout our future..i really wish it can bring out our dream..
we also talk bout many things of friend's problem..
and i just realize somethings..
i don know what i doing is correct a not or wrong...
so that will make my security will hide something from me..
or maybe i just think too much too....
but in this matter that raelly make me think alot of things
is it my all my fasle?or not??
i don know..but i will change myself from this moment....
i have to tell everyone that i really use my real heart to make friend with you all...
today just three of us me la..ling la..n siang school..i means our gang la..
other members are lazy..
today we talk alot of things..we talk bout our future..i really wish it can bring out our dream..
we also talk bout many things of friend's problem..
and i just realize somethings..
i don know what i doing is correct a not or wrong...
so that will make my security will hide something from me..
or maybe i just think too much too....
but in this matter that raelly make me think alot of things
is it my all my fasle?or not??
i don know..but i will change myself from this moment....
i have to tell everyone that i really use my real heart to make friend with you all...
alvin pls have a look...thx
just now heard my hubby said that his mom din cook...don know why im so it he argue with his mom again??actually i really don understand why his mom wanna treat him like that??maybe my hubby did somethings wrong..i also think his mom and dad take dinner le ma??if ta pau why don ta pau for you??..however you how angry but you also cant treat your son like that ma...
dear sorry if i said somthing to hurt your family..but i really very angry with your mom le...i relly cant tahan come treat your son like this !!!!
dear...i really very worry you ....everytimes when i heard you and your mom de things..or when you mom scolded you that heart are really very de pain...
dear...i wanna let you know something k???
listen carefully !!!
see carefully !!!
dear promist baby don fight with mom or don do somthing make mom got chance to scold you or what things??i know your mom no matter what happen also will scold you...but dear...i think can change it baby k?? will always be with you !! know??
dear sorry if i said somthing to hurt your family..but i really very angry with your mom le...i relly cant tahan come treat your son like this !!!!
dear...i really very worry you ....everytimes when i heard you and your mom de things..or when you mom scolded you that heart are really very de pain...
dear...i wanna let you know something k???
listen carefully !!!
see carefully !!!
dear promist baby don fight with mom or don do somthing make mom got chance to scold you or what things??i know your mom no matter what happen also will scold you...but dear...i think can change it baby k?? will always be with you !! know??
Mohammad Alvin Yap Chun Ho !!!
happy and sweet
today so tired~
really very tired~
this afternoon heard my hubby said he saw my blog
feel sweet...
im happy too...wakkaa..
really very tired~
this afternoon heard my hubby said he saw my blog
feel sweet...
im happy too...wakkaa..
my feelings
my mind are blank now..
but inside my heart ...there are so many difference de feeling with me...
i don know how to describe the feeling...i cant says out with word....
i really damn suffer now...maybe i think too much....
this is how??
this few days i keep on pass in and out hospital...
because one of my mom's friend..
almost want die le
i really very heart pain..
although i knew i cant do anythings with him...
one of the way that i can did is just pray for him
i really very hate all this things..
although this is one of the things that our human will go through
every one will go through this way...
this is one of the journey that god gave us so however how sad i am...i will try to accept...
i get some new things from him...
i really learn something from him..
i appreciate my family members...
i can saw from them...they keep on changing everyday..
i just hope that you all are healthy ..
is enough to me..although last time i really trouble with "money"
for those that always just know how to tv...n not even help us to do anythings at home..
just when the times up to eat...she just keep walk in n walk out and the face was black when we late to eat....
oh my godness...i really hope i can slap this kind of people..
but i cant...
still the same...for all my aunty and uncles
please have some responsibility
very clear to responsible you are..
i miss all my babies...
few more days my gor's birthday is coming...
wakaka...looking forward nia..because as what i said..
i will give her a special big present...wakakaka
for my babe ling.....
babe ...don moodless anymore le..everyday see u at class also this kind of face...
we all really worry you de..and we cant say much things..
everythings will be fine...just depend how you think so ...cheerup girl...
we really left no much times appreciate the days when we at school..after this..we really no more chance to enjoy this kind of life real...
my next babe ting...
haha...she ....i don know what i can with days she really look like siao za bo le...wakakka....but so cute...wakaka...especially her laugh..wakkaka...
next babe is the most important to me de..
because we always emphasize that
we knew each other for 11 years...that is polly...
she are a cute plump girl..although we always hurt each other..she always said im the shorter!!!
and i will told fight back her as fatty..wakakka...when we each other get angry le..we will say sorry to each other hahaha...she really is a cute girl...
lai kuan more cute....she always korea korea only..wakaka....don know when our babe lai kuan will change to other country...wakakka....
hui are our class de genius...everytime maths..we sure become kopi ...
my kopi here means to "copy" it cold??little...
mohammad alvin yap chun ho....
i love you...
although sometimes you really like a big kayu...
don know do anythings that i want....but i accept it..
because that is you..
sometimes i really very angry with you de...but what to do???
who asked me to fall in love with you???
i love your everythings..
but....hope can cahnge abit lo..wakaka..
i also know
myself...sometimes also very bad...i always make you worry..
make you fall tears...sorry dear..
i will change myself
do you know school got ppl asked many boyfriend i have now..
come on man..when i heard this question i really get angry...i really don know what she means..
if i really have many why i will put our pic..says bout our msn even my blog..if not i wont make public it...right??
so hubby
i don care other ppl how think bout me...
but i really care you..
i want to emphasize it..
you are the one that i
really care
really love
DyDy says: Mohammad Alvin Yap Chun Ho , DyDy love you much
but inside my heart ...there are so many difference de feeling with me...
i don know how to describe the feeling...i cant says out with word....
i really damn suffer now...maybe i think too much....
this is how??
this few days i keep on pass in and out hospital...
because one of my mom's friend..
almost want die le
i really very heart pain..
although i knew i cant do anythings with him...
one of the way that i can did is just pray for him
i really very hate all this things..
although this is one of the things that our human will go through
every one will go through this way...
this is one of the journey that god gave us so however how sad i am...i will try to accept...
i get some new things from him...
i really learn something from him..
i appreciate my family members...
i can saw from them...they keep on changing everyday..
i just hope that you all are healthy ..
is enough to me..although last time i really trouble with "money"
for those that always just know how to tv...n not even help us to do anythings at home..
just when the times up to eat...she just keep walk in n walk out and the face was black when we late to eat....
oh my godness...i really hope i can slap this kind of people..
but i cant...
still the same...for all my aunty and uncles
please have some responsibility
very clear to responsible you are..
i miss all my babies...
few more days my gor's birthday is coming...
wakaka...looking forward nia..because as what i said..
i will give her a special big present...wakakaka
for my babe ling.....
babe ...don moodless anymore le..everyday see u at class also this kind of face...
we all really worry you de..and we cant say much things..
everythings will be fine...just depend how you think so ...cheerup girl...
we really left no much times appreciate the days when we at school..after this..we really no more chance to enjoy this kind of life real...
my next babe ting...
haha...she ....i don know what i can with days she really look like siao za bo le...wakakka....but so cute...wakaka...especially her laugh..wakkaka...
next babe is the most important to me de..
because we always emphasize that
we knew each other for 11 years...that is polly...
she are a cute plump girl..although we always hurt each other..she always said im the shorter!!!
and i will told fight back her as fatty..wakakka...when we each other get angry le..we will say sorry to each other hahaha...she really is a cute girl...
lai kuan more cute....she always korea korea only..wakaka....don know when our babe lai kuan will change to other country...wakakka....
hui are our class de genius...everytime maths..we sure become kopi ...
my kopi here means to "copy" it cold??little...
mohammad alvin yap chun ho....
i love you...
although sometimes you really like a big kayu...
don know do anythings that i want....but i accept it..
because that is you..
sometimes i really very angry with you de...but what to do???
who asked me to fall in love with you???
i love your everythings..
but....hope can cahnge abit lo..wakaka..
i also know
myself...sometimes also very bad...i always make you worry..
make you fall tears...sorry dear..
i will change myself
do you know school got ppl asked many boyfriend i have now..
come on man..when i heard this question i really get angry...i really don know what she means..
if i really have many why i will put our pic..says bout our msn even my blog..if not i wont make public it...right??
so hubby
i don care other ppl how think bout me...
but i really care you..
i want to emphasize it..
you are the one that i
really care
really love
DyDy says: Mohammad Alvin Yap Chun Ho , DyDy love you much
angry with perfection tution centre
today very de gek ar...
stupid perfection tution centre !!!
how come suddenly change tution fees??
you all are liar la...
you all untung so much lo...
every person extra Rm 10
walao ei...
next time i also wan open a tution centre...
so bad la..
today school canteen
so cool...
so many bomba came to our school..
all my babies...
will you all back to school tomorrow??
i miss you all la..
hey tell you all somethings here..
i already decided to give somethings special to someone for her birthday present..
is very valueable de..
just be patient when the day come..
i will let you all guys know..
today very de gek ar...
stupid perfection tution centre !!!
how come suddenly change tution fees??
you all are liar la...
you all untung so much lo...
every person extra Rm 10
walao ei...
next time i also wan open a tution centre...
so bad la..
today school canteen
so cool...
so many bomba came to our school..
all my babies...
will you all back to school tomorrow??
i miss you all la..
hey tell you all somethings here..
i already decided to give somethings special to someone for her birthday present..
is very valueable de..
just be patient when the day come..
i will let you all guys know..
只是知道患有癌症 已经是第三期了 也就是末期了
真的没有想到 在我身边都会发生这样的事
你们不觉得在这个时刻 抢家产
有钱时 总是出现在你身边
没钱是 需要你们帮忙时 需要 你们在身边陪伴着时 你们都去了哪里??
只是知道患有癌症 已经是第三期了 也就是末期了
真的没有想到 在我身边都会发生这样的事
你们不觉得在这个时刻 抢家产
有钱时 总是出现在你身边
没钱是 需要你们帮忙时 需要 你们在身边陪伴着时 你们都去了哪里??

morning guys..
as what i promised..
i will upload my pic..*my tooth....
my nice tooth...
my fresh blood....
today is the second day...
still pain...but feel better than yesterday ...
while eat that time..need sometimes..
the most funny things is
when i brush my teeth that time..
i just brush one side..
my right side...i never touch dirty guys...
but...really no idea la..
is pain man....
hey guys..
i already be accustomed to my tooth
and now...
suddenly lost 2 tooth...
really tak biasa man...
while i drink water that time...i feel the water come out from right side...wakakka...
and i feel so empty nice and cool..
here have some pic...yesterday took...
babe ling..
learn somethings new things from you..
must share everythings with others...
as what i promised..
i will upload my pic..*my tooth....
my nice tooth...
my fresh blood....
today is the second day...
still pain...but feel better than yesterday ...
while eat that time..need sometimes..
the most funny things is
when i brush my teeth that time..
i just brush one side..
my right side...i never touch dirty guys...
but...really no idea la..
is pain man....
hey guys..
i already be accustomed to my tooth
and now...
suddenly lost 2 tooth...
really tak biasa man...
while i drink water that time...i feel the water come out from right side...wakakka...
and i feel so empty nice and cool..
here have some pic...yesterday took...
babe ling..
learn somethings new things from you..
must share everythings with others...
all my babies my pain....
really very de pain...
i already plucked my tooth le..
oh my god....
very de pain now...
i cried when i saw the big "jarum"
oh pain when she injected...
everyone are laughing at me...hahaha..
when i sit on the chair...
i really very scare..and
my brain just thinking what will happen when i open my eyes...
i really cant describe the feeling when kena injected that time...
really cant describe with words..
if you guys want to know...
i can tell you all a things..
JUST GO AND TRY ONCE than you will know the feelings...
i still got one more appointment
that is 16th of october
oh my god..really want to suffer again....
actually i already very ugly
but now...lagi teruk....
arh....gek si me le la..
all my babies...
my dear..
so pain ......
really very de pain...
i already plucked my tooth le..
oh my god....
very de pain now...
i cried when i saw the big "jarum"
oh pain when she injected...
everyone are laughing at me...hahaha..
when i sit on the chair...
i really very scare..and
my brain just thinking what will happen when i open my eyes...
i really cant describe the feeling when kena injected that time...
really cant describe with words..
if you guys want to know...
i can tell you all a things..
JUST GO AND TRY ONCE than you will know the feelings...
i still got one more appointment
that is 16th of october
oh my god..really want to suffer again....
actually i already very ugly
but now...lagi teruk....
arh....gek si me le la..
all my babies...
my dear..
so pain ......
MC donald
hey yo...
me.. alvin..babe ling..ting..and selly..
we 5 guys went to kl kasturi to register...
after we register at there...
we already cant bear with the "cool" weather...
we went to MC to have a tea time..
actually just want to find a place to sit down..
suddenly ....
have 2 guys came to our place to said some story..
he so funny...
he said ...:"i am not asking you all to just wanna tell you all some you all if can can donate some..not Rm10 or Rm5 just depend you all...."
so i saw a Rm0.05 on the i just pick it up..and show to babeling..
she understand what im trying to say..we both look at each other than .....wakakakka..
suddenly ...
in toilet...
this is the climax guys...
but im not trying to tell you all the details..wakakkaa...
but is really so excite..
once i come out from toilet..
oh my god..
everyone were stand at there and look at me..
so fish..
i cant forget it man..
my life are full of stimulate.....
forget le..
tomorrow...6th of october
i will go to draw one's tooth..
oh my god.. scare and stress..
suk ting..
is happy today..
thx you guys gv me a fish and happy memories..
especially ALVIN.....
me.. alvin..babe ling..ting..and selly..
we 5 guys went to kl kasturi to register...
after we register at there...
we already cant bear with the "cool" weather...
we went to MC to have a tea time..
actually just want to find a place to sit down..
suddenly ....
have 2 guys came to our place to said some story..
he so funny...
he said ...:"i am not asking you all to just wanna tell you all some you all if can can donate some..not Rm10 or Rm5 just depend you all...."
so i saw a Rm0.05 on the i just pick it up..and show to babeling..
she understand what im trying to say..we both look at each other than .....wakakakka..
suddenly ...
in toilet...
this is the climax guys...
but im not trying to tell you all the details..wakakkaa...
but is really so excite..
once i come out from toilet..
oh my god..
everyone were stand at there and look at me..
so fish..
i cant forget it man..
my life are full of stimulate.....
forget le..
tomorrow...6th of october
i will go to draw one's tooth..
oh my god.. scare and stress..
suk ting..
is happy today..
thx you guys gv me a fish and happy memories..
especially ALVIN.....
first blog
im going to crazy le la..
what the school is this..
who will still use disket de???
oh my god...
really headache la..
i so sam fu type all things..
is time to save in the stupid disket
walk into the room n took the disket out from my cool bag..
suddenly the whole piece drop out..
oh my god..
what happen on it???
im so stress
because tomorrow have to pass it to the stupid teacher
oh my god..
i swear i dint do anythings to this disket..
i keep nicely
but don know why will like this...
i really very de scare ar..
now days..
who will still using disket de???
everyone are using pendrive le la..
really gek si me le la....
all stupid de...
please upgrade la..
this is my first blog
first blog jiu so stress sad n angry le..
i hate this school ar...
im going to crazy le la..
what the school is this..
who will still use disket de???
oh my god...
really headache la..
i so sam fu type all things..
is time to save in the stupid disket
walk into the room n took the disket out from my cool bag..
suddenly the whole piece drop out..
oh my god..
what happen on it???
im so stress
because tomorrow have to pass it to the stupid teacher
oh my god..
i swear i dint do anythings to this disket..
i keep nicely
but don know why will like this...
i really very de scare ar..
now days..
who will still using disket de???
everyone are using pendrive le la..
really gek si me le la....
all stupid de...
please upgrade la..
this is my first blog
first blog jiu so stress sad n angry le..
i hate this school ar...
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